In a firefighting drill, a trainee learns
to operate a fire hose. How much force should the trainee apply to
hold the hose in a steady position? A nozzle
is attached to the end of the hose to increase the velocity of the water.
nozzle outlet has a diameter of 3 in and the hose diameter is 6 in.
The gage pressure at section 1 is 0.75 psi, and the water flows at a
rate of 0.5 slugs/s. The length of the pipe is 2 ft.
Find the required force to keep the hose
in place.
Problem Description
Choose an appropriate control volume, and label all forces and velocities.
Apply the linear momentum equation.
Neglect the weight of the hose, nozzle and water inside the nozzle.
The density of the water is 1.94 slugs/ft3.
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